Saturday, 13 April 2024

James Pond II: Codename RoboCod (Sega Game Gear review)

Developer: Millennium Interactive
Publisher: U.S. Gold
Released: 1993

James Pond II: Codename RoboCod is a platformer that was also released on the Sega Genesis (1991) and Sega Master System (1993).

+ An impressive port that's missing very little from Sega's 16-bit version in terms of look, feel and content.

+ Level design is innovative and the stages are jam-packed with ideas that neatly come together to create a cohesive whole.

+ Replayability is high, as there's an enormous amount of bonus items and secret areas to locate if you're willing to explore.

- Camera is far too zoomed-in and many times you'll have no idea where the next platform is until you take a blind leap of faith.

- Additionally, the camera snaps too close to the edge of the screen and foes will often appear with no warning.

- Bosses are a nightmare to battle, as you can't see their aerial projectiles or where they're positioned to land.

- Sprites flicker and occasionally overlap with enemies for cheap hits, and the SFX are rather weak throughout.

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