Publisher: Hudson Soft
Released: 1992
Adventure Island 3 is an action-platformer and the sequel to 1991's NES title Adventure Island II.
+ Controls and gameplay feel as good as ever, and the level design features some fiendish layouts to test your skills.+ Some fun boss battles, and the option to choose a playable dinosaur before each stage gives you a ton of flexibility.
+ Addition of triceratops character is a blast and being able to spin in mid-air is helpful for getting out of tricky situations.
- Minor graphical spruce-up with more background texture detail, and the overworld map makes the adventure seem grand.
- Very little in the way of series innovation and everything feels like Adventure Island 2.5 than a real sequel.
- New boomerang weapon is vastly inferior to the axe, as it leaves you in jeopardy and unable to fire until it returns.
- Difficulty spikes much quicker than the previous game, and many of the same jingles have been ported over.

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