Monday, 22 July 2024

Bad Dudes (NES review)

Developer: Data East
Publisher: Data East
Released: 1989

Bad Dudes is a beat-em-up that was first released in the Arcade in 1988.

+ Spin kick is great for attacking foes on both sides, and there's a rudimentary, but decent attempt at speech synthesis.

- While a two-player mode is included, you can't play cooperatively and instead the fun is lessened by alternating tries.

- Sprite flicker and choppy animation are enormous problems, as it's often tough to tell if you're dishing out or taking damage.

- Questionable collision detection, especially when weapons inflict zero damage despite overlapping an enemy sprite.

- Jump and attack buttons are reversed which causes confusion, and unfortunately there's no way to change them.

- Barely any scenic variety in each stage, and once you've seen the first few seconds you've seen everything they have to offer.

- Graphics are ugly due to garish colour schemes, and your character doesn't always stand out from the background.

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