Publisher: Sega
Released: 1994
Body Count is a Sega Menacer light-gun game that was only released in Brazil and Europe.
+ Item drops are plentiful, which creates strategic decision making as to whether to collect them, or keep attacking.+ Gritty stage locales are a perfect backdrop for your battles, and the music compliments the action while upping the intensity.
+ Graphics are outstanding with chunky sprites, destructible scenery, great use of colour and some neat parallax scrolling.
- Never gives itself an opportunity to build tension, as there's literally a non-stop swarm of enemies from beginning to end.
- Considering you're always so overwhelmed, there's no logical way of defending yourself and damage is unavoidable.
- Regular enemies are enormous bullet-sponges from the outset, and feeling so under-powered sucks out much of the fun.
- Opponents show no signs of visible damage until defeated, meaning you'll often wonder if your bullets are having any effect.

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