Publisher: Midway Home Entertainment
Released: 1998
Body Harvest is a third-person action-adventure game that's exclusive to the N64 console.
+ Missions have a multi-objective approach that's engrossing, and having access to air, land and sea vehicles adds variety.+ Makes you feel incredibly vulnerable when on-foot and trying to find a vehicle while under alien attack adds real intensity.
+ Does a decent job of signposting you to the next objective and the exploration element resembles Nintendo's Metroid series.
+ Soundtrack is astonishing and perfectly encapsulates the isolation and paranoia that's omitted by the game world.
- Save points are only available after each successful mission, which can mean losing an hour's worth of progress if you die.
- Can be very strict on how it expects you to complete each mission, and you will have to restart if you don't follow it to a tee.
- Constant alien invasions distract you from your objective(s) and can sometimes seem like a way to pad gameplay length.

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